MasterMind game 🧠

Katherine Soto
5 min readFeb 10, 2022


HackDay: Coding the game MasterMind

Mastermind is a board game of ingenuity and reflection for two players. It is played on a board with small black and white tiles and other colors, of a somewhat larger size. One of the players chooses a number of colored tiles, 4 in the original game, and puts a secret code hidden from the other player.

Campus presentation 🎓

Holberton School is a computer science school founded in Silicon Valley to address the gap in the education system for aspiring software engineers. After Holberton School opened its doors in 2016, the world’s most innovative companies have noticed. Graduates have found jobs at LinkedIn, Google, Tesla, Docker, Apple, Dropbox, Facebook, Pinterest, Genentech, Cisco, IBM, and more.

Presentation of the language 💻


Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.

Algorithm put in place

import random
load = 1
while load == 1:
print("Welcome to MAstermind")
print("Choose the difficulty of the game 1=Easy, 2=Hard, 3=Nightmare")
difficulty = int(input("Write the number of difficulty: "))
if difficulty == 1:
digitNumber = 3
elif difficulty == 2:
digitNumber = 4
elif difficulty == 3:
digitNumber = 5
digits = ('0', '1', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9')
code = ''
# Part1: The machine selects their combination of number
for i in range(digitNumber):
chooseDigits = random.choice(digits)
# in case the number repeats
while chooseDigits in code:
chooseDigits = random.choice(digits)
code = code + chooseDigits
# Part2: user start to play
print("Start to guess one digit color of", digitNumber,
"different digits colors")
print("Combinations of colors: [[0 is white]; [1 is red]; [2 is orange]; \
[3 is blue]; [4 is yellow]; [5 is magenta]; [6 is black]; [7 is purple]; \
[8 is pink]; [9 is skyblue]]")
proposal = input("Write your [code of colors] \
or [exit] if you want to finish: ")
if (proposal == "exit"):
tryNumber = 1
while proposal != code:
tryNumber += 1
hits = 0
coincidences = 0
for i in range(digitNumber):
if proposal[i] == code[i]:
hits += 1
print("---> You have a hit with the number", proposal[i],
"in the position ", i, ";)")
elif proposal[i] in code:
coincidences += 1
print("---> You are near! You have a coincidence \
with the number", proposal[i], " try a new position")
print("[Final] Your proposal(", proposal, ") \
have ", hits, " hits and ", coincidences, " \
proposal = input(" Try another [code] or [exit] if you want to quit: ")
if (proposal == "exit"):
print("[Congratulations] You win in", tryNumber, " tries")
load = int(input("Do you want to continue playing? <1=yes, 0=no>: "))

User(s) flow to play 🎮

The idea of the game is for one player (the code-breaker) to guess the secret code chosen by the other player (the code-maker). The code is a sequence of 4 colored pegs chosen from six colors available. The code-breaker makes a serie of pattern guesses — after each guess the code-maker gives feedback in the form of 2 numbers, the number of pegs that are of the right color and in the correct position, and the number of pegs that are of the correct color but not in the correct position — these numbers are usually represented by small black and white pegs.

  • Clone the repository & enter to the repository
git clone && cd MasterMind_game
  • Install requirements
  • Play the latest version
simulation of the real game of mastermind in turtle, based in python

Like you see in the image, the first line is the secret combination that you need to guess, and the line of balls of different colors on the left are your tries, and at the same time the machine will give you a feedback with the pines (right): if you guess in one ball, they will change to red.

Piece of code related to the algorithm or flow

def mastermind():
while (True):
art_2 = art("happy")
print("\n*****Please choose the level of difficulty: *****")
Art = text2art("123", font='block', chr_ignore=True)
difficult = input(">>> ")
if str(difficult) == "exit":
difficult = int(difficult)
if difficult not in [1, 2, 3]:
print("*****Please choose a valid option {}*****".format(art_2))
except Exception:
print("*****Please choose a valid option {}*****".format(art_2))
switcher = {"1": 4, "2": 5, "3": 6}
balls = switcher[str(difficult)]
# Creating secret list colours
secret_list = random.sample(colors, k=balls)
color_fak = ["white" for i in range(len(secret_list))]
balls_t = Balls(difficult)
balls_t.draw_aptems(color_fak, -400, 340)
coor = -380
aptems = 8
print("Now you have 8 chances to solve the puzzle {}".format(dict_faces.get("1")))
for k in range(0, 8):
print("*****Please choose {} colors bettwen: *****\n".format(balls))
art_2 = art("happy")
print(" {}\n".format(art_2))
to_list = list(dict(enumerate(colors)).keys())
to_list = list(map(lambda x: x + 1, to_list))
print_colors(colors, to_list)

gamer_list = []
for i in range(0, balls):
a = str(input(">>> "))
if a == "exit":
if a not in keys:
raise Exception("Try again ...")

except Exception:
art_2 = dict_faces["{}".format(k)]
print("try again ... {}".format(art_2))
aptems -= 1
i = 0
validate = []
color_pin = []
pin = []
for color in gamer_list:
if dict_val[color] == secret_list[i]:
print(Fore.RED, end="")
# Return ASCII text (default font) and
# default chr_ignore=True
Art = text2art("X")
print(Art, end="")
print(Style.RESET_ALL, end="")
elif dict_val[color] in secret_list:
print(Fore.WHITE, end="")
Art = text2art("X")
print(Art, end="")
print(Style.RESET_ALL, end="")
elif dict_val[color] not in secret_list:
print(Fore.BLUE, end="")
Art = text2art("0")
print(Art, end="")
i += 1
if secret_list == validate:
Art = text2art("Congratulations...!")
balls_t.draw_aptems(secret_list, -400, 340)
art_2 = dict_faces["{}".format(k)]
print("***** You chose this *****")
validate_keys = [dict_keys.get(x) for x in validate if dict_keys.get(x)]
print_colors(validate, validate_keys)
balls_t.draw_aptems(validate, -400, coor)
balls_t.draw_pins(color_pin, 50, coor)
print("try again ... {}".format(art_2))
aptems -= 1
coor += 90

art_2 = art("sad and crying")
print("***** you finished all your chances {} *****".format(art_2))
print("***** The correct answer was *****")
secret_keys = [dict_keys.get(x) for x in secret_list if dict_keys.get(x)]
print_colors(secret_list, secret_keys)
balls_t.draw_aptems(secret_list, -400, 340)
coor += 90

Screenshots of the game

The game has 3 lvls :

  1. lvl 1 = 4 balls
  2. lvl 2 = 5 balls
  3. lvl 3 = 6 balls

GitHub link to our code

GitHub repository

Authors ✏️



Katherine Soto
Katherine Soto

Written by Katherine Soto

Software Engineer Lead, full stack developer + devops interested in architecture, cybersecurity & Ai

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