Inventory Model
Resumen of the project
Purpose of the project:
Make an inventory module for the company Siderperú
- Smith Flores: Backend: basemodel & BD relational, Frontend: front-office
- Diana Carhuamanta: Web design, web static, frontend: backoffice
- Katherine Soto: Project management, backend: Apis REST, cybersecurity: authorization & authentication with JWT
Describe who your project was created for
Siderperu TI
Explain what your personal focus was
Architectura, solution proposal & development
why I chose to work on this project?
A lot of companies have these problems in Perú: Managing their inventory with excel, mails, etc. In the actual market, they are many options but sometimes, there are expensive. With these project, we solve a problem that experiments some areas in a company like TI, marketing, etc and we can save a lot of time that we can say: budget in human resources
Result of the project:
In summary, we create a monolithic app for 4 roles of user:
- Admin
- Analista TI
- Gestor
- Colaborador
For the frontend interface, that is the part with the users are contact with the app, we use: HTML, JS and CSS with the framework and libraries of react, nextjs, axios
For the backend that is the logical part of the app that will be located in the web server: we use python with flask and it is connected with the database relation in the language: Ms SQL , and file storage
For the first charge in the database of the system, we use an excel where the admin will fill their data and it will be uploaded through a python script with pandas library!
Personal most difficult challenge in the project:
I can resume in technical challenge, for me was:
- Learn about how to implement JWT in the authorization and authentication using python flask. The solution was finally with 1 JWT, 7 blueprint, 6 middleware
- How to implement in the frontend using react
What I learned with this project:
More than technologies, I think also I learned:
- How to administrate the time using scrum
- I like the backend and architecture but at the same time, we need to be fast-adapters, I also participate in the frontend with react
- I love to use emacs as an editor
Personal information:
I am software developer that loves create solution with technology, fast-learned and highly motivated!
- Specialization: Backend, DevOps, Cybersecurity
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